An official army family and MWR Site

Family Advocacy Program


Belgium: +32 472-90-1068

Netherlands: +31 613-21-6737



The Family Advocacy Program provides education, intervention and assistance to prevent family violence and to support strong, self-reliant families and communities. FAP has multiple prevention and education programs and provides services to anyone with installation access.


The U.S. Army Family Advocacy Program (FAP) helps Soldiers and Families recognize and meet the unique challenges of military lifestyles. Our services include seminars, workshops, counseling, and intervention to help strengthen Army Families, enhance resiliency and relationship skills, and improve quality of life.

We are also dedicated to helping Soldiers and Families with the complex challenges related to domestic abuse, child abuse, and neglect. We focus on prevention, education, prompt reporting, investigation, intervention, and treatment.

If you need help, please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at + 1(800)799-7233. You should also contact your installation’s Family Advocacy Program for more information.

Our additional programs within the Family Advocacy Program help with specific needs:

New Parent Support Program (NPSP): Expecting parents and parents with children ages 0-3 have special challenges, and NPSP has tools to meet them. Programs including home visits and parenting classes help caregivers learn to cope with stress, isolation, deployments, reunions, and the everyday demands of parenthood.


Transitional Compensation (TC) Program for Abused Dependents: Under a congressionally mandated program, abused dependents of military personnel may be eligible for up to three years of benefits and entitlements, including temporary financial compensation, medical care, and commissary and exchange privileges.


Victim Advocacy Program (VAP): Victims of domestic violence and sexual abuse have round-the-clock access to services, including emergency assistance, information, referrals, and ongoing support in accessing medical, behavioral health, legal, and law enforcement services on and off garrisons. Victim Advocates will discuss the option of restricted and unrestricted reports.


Seminars and Workshops

Seminars and workshops are available to you, your unit, or your Family support group. Topics may include:

  • Command and Troop Education
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Couples Communication Skills
  • Stress Management
  • Prevention Programs and Services
  • New Parent Support Program
  • Parent Education
  • Domestic Violence Prevention
  • Victim Advocate Program
  • Relationship Support
  • Safety Education
  • Respite Care Program
  • Emergency Placement Care Program
  • Reporting Procedures

You can also call Military OneSource for more information and referrals.

CONUS: +1(800) 342-9647 OCONUS: 00-800-3429-6477

OCONUS: 00-800-3429-6477

Collect with operator assistance OCONUS: +1(484) 530-5908


Training Available

Commander and Senior Leader Education

Individual comprehensive briefings to commanders and senior leaders within 45 days of change of command, covering all FAP services and responsibilities of leadership.

Troop Training

Annual  education on the family dynamics of spouse and child abuse, the availability of prevention and treatment services, and Army policies. Army civilians and contractors are encouraged to participate.

Community Education

Informs the military community of the extent and nature of spouse and child abuse and focuses awareness of family violence, including how to report it. This includes making FAP services known and accessible through awareness events and activities to promote community support and involvement. 

Safety Education

Offers training about how to protect children and how to listen and talk with them about child abuse prevention. Children need to have programs and activities geared to their ability to understand and act on safety and exploitation issues.

Victim Advocacy

Assistance and support to spouse abuse victims by:

  • Crisis intervention
  • Securing medical treatment
  • Information on legal rights
  • Referrals to shelters
  • Additional resource connections

Victim Advocates are on call 24/7 to assist Soldiers and family members who are in need of assistance due to domestic violence. They can be reached during duty hours at ACS 

New Parent Support Program

The New Parent Support Program provides comprehensive home visits with training on child development, behavioral stages, psychological nurturing, basic parenting skills and resource information. Hospital visits are also provided. Educational classes and play groups are offered and provide a forum for parents to network and exchange ideas.

Who is eligible?

Families with children age newborn up to 3 years old, or who are expecting a baby are invited to participate in the New Parent Support Program.

Parenting information

NPSP has a resource room available to you, which includes: books, DVDs and other materials on topics such as parenting, family relationships, child development and infant care. We also loan empathy bellies and hospital-grade breast pumps.

Play Morning

Play Morning is a place where parents and children (12 to 36 months) can come together to play and make new friends. Parents will learn about child development, parenting, and age appropriate activities for their children. Children will be able to enjoy free play and music.

Newborn Network

Newborn Network is a support group for parents with babies up to twelve months of age.  Parents will receive information related to parenting as well as socialize with other parents that have infants. 

Mommy and Daddy 101

Expecting parents are invited to participate in our monthly Mommy & Daddy 101 Class to learn about the last trimester of pregnancy, labor, delivery, relaxation & comfort techniques, breastfeeding and newborn care.

Home Visits

Our home visits provide a chance to meet with a professional who can address your concerns as a parent in the privacy of your home.

Family Life Education

Family Life Education offers curriculum training that provides knowledge, social relationship skills and support throughout the Family life cycle. The goal is to improve life management and family coping skills, enhance self-esteem, and improve communication skills and marital relationships.

Classes offered on a regular basis include Parenting, Stress Management, Anger Management and Couple’s Communication.

Emergency Placement Care
  • Voluntary or court mandated service
  • Temporary 24-hour care for children who cannot be cared for by their natural family or legal guardian.
  • Short-term care, generally not to exceed 90 days, until the situation is resolved or long-term placement can be arranged.
Transitional Compensation

This is defined as financial compensation and other benefits to assist family members when the Service member is separated from active duty as a result of a court-martial or administrative action or is sentenced to total forfeiture of all pay and allowances for a dependent-abuse offense (child or spouse abuse). 

  • Financial assistance
  • Dental
  • Commissary and PX privileges
Respite Care

Child care hours can be provided as a prevention/intervention measure for those Families at risk for abuse or neglect or needing stabilization support. 

  • Relocation Readiness Program
  • +32 65-75-7364
  • Military DSN (314)597-7364
  • Hours:
    U.S. Holidays
  • Army Volunteer Coordination Corps
  • +32 65-75-7357
  • Military DSN (314)597-7357
  • Hours:
    U.S. Holidays